Friday Boganomics – CateGate

3 06 2011

The question of climate change has long been a vexed one for the bogan. During the mid-00s, when the weight of public opinion began swinging behind the scientific consensus, and the need to take action about it, the polling suggested that the bogan jumped on board. Far be it for the bogan to stand out from the crowd with its opinions – only with its brightly hued attire and accessories. However, much of this support was predicated on the notion that the bogan would not have to do anything in particular to remedy the climate change problem.

When confronted with the entirely unwelcome idea that an increased cost of pollution was the price of solving the climate problem, the bogan’s throbbing cognitive dissonance gland turned as red as a Greek balance sheet. The bogan now stood against a heinous tax. Not because it was lying earlier about its willingness to pay for change, but that it had reconsidered the science, and now believed the science to be incorrect. With decades of experience studying the climatic data, and a daily dose of News Limited’s stable of climatologists’ input, the bogan was now a font of scepticism. Possibly Times New Roman. Definitely not Comic Sans.

When this started becoming apparent in polling, and the appearance of Tony Abbott at various factories and mines across the country spouting the phrase ‘toxic tax’ to anyone willing to point a camera at him, the nefarious beardist cabal of climate change activists sprang into, well, action…

This post continues over at the MacroBusiness Superblog, where we’ve managed to attract a whole new breed of troll with this one…check it out!



206 responses

3 06 2011
James Hunter

Does anyone still listen to Foney Rabbit ?

3 06 2011

Of course they do. There’s a whole mass of older baby boomer bogans who still think the Liberals are respectable and conservative and that ACA, channel 9 and talkback radio is news and not blatant propaganda. My mum is one of them, I bet most of our parents are the same.

3 06 2011

I suspect most of them don’t realise the Liberals are going to tax carbon too. Or do something or other about it that’s not in our immediate financial best interests.

3 06 2011
James Hunter

Will be able to bet it will help some mates or at least mates of a mate.
Why do we want to go the capitalist / big business way and let big business rort the skemes. ,Like the pink bats, it was not the governmint did the rorting but the private sector.

3 06 2011

Too true James, & it looks set to continue with the set top box kerfuffle…. why not just give the pensioners the $300 to buy a new TV? They all have built in digital converters now….

6 06 2011
Peter Thornton

Oh, James Hunter, another brilliant, albeit, eleventh-hour, observation. Precisely when during the 21st Century didn’t the private sector rort government schemes?

4 06 2011

It’s actually carbon dioxide they’ll be taxing not the trace element carbon. Didn’t Cate tell you that??

4 06 2011
Will S

Oh god, the stupid, it hurts. “Carbon” is a shorthand for “carbon compounds”, or “Greenhouse gases”. It includes things like methane, CH4, which is a greenhouse gas that is not carbon dioxide.

The right wing shock jocks are currently running the story that the government are lying by calling carbon dioxide “carbon” to create the impression it’s about black soot. When in fact calling it a “carbon dioxide tax” is actually more deceptive and more of a lie, since it was never just carbon dioxide.

4 06 2011

Oh easily deceived leftard, it’s shorthand” is it?. My, how nuanced. How about calling it for what it is , deliberately deceptive propaganda designed to obscure real meaning in order to further an ideological cause. Very similar to Orwell’s newspeak.

4 06 2011
James Hunter

Shockjocks are full of shit and when the revolution comes will be put up agains the wall !!!

4 06 2011
Peter Thornton

Oh, James Hunter, unlike your recent appearance on Australia’s Got Talent, the above revolution you’re referring to will not be televised.

RIP Gil Scott-Heron

4 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

Oh Petey Boy, your invocation of the great Gil-Scott Heron is both inappropriate and unnecessary here.

Now where’s my Austrian Cabbage?

4 06 2011
James Hunter

I wonder what selection of “unnatural acts” it is possible to get up to with a cabbage ? Stalk in ? Stalk out ? raw and crisp ? fully cooked and squissey ? or par boiled for clinging traction ?
Maybe Pete Babe could enlighten the rest of us mere mortals ?
Gotta go find the sick bucket !!

5 06 2011
Peter Thornton

I suggest you try looking for your Austrian cabbage in Austria. It’s not hard; three words that both you and James Hunter probably hear quite regularly…

4 06 2011

Oh and the by the way, the current apocolyptic propaganda war being waged by the desperate is that it is CO2 that is warming the world to hell (oh, the poor polar bears!) Has it changed??. Please inform me!. If it’s about getting rid of that appalling Battersea power station here in Sydney along with it’s black soot belching stacks then I’m all for it!. Amazing eh?. If it wasn’t for Carbon Cate and Carbon Caton I wouldn’t have known it was there!. Oh how I love her!.

4 06 2011
James Hunter

Carbon is not a trace element. It is one of the most abundant around 6th or 7th I think.

4 06 2011

My mistake.. I dashed off a post in haste in order to counter rampant leftard silliness… but it certainly isn’t a ‘pollutant’.

5 06 2011
moar caek

I don’t think anyone said it was a “pollutant”,
but I keep hearing carbon trolls repeatedly denying it.
“co2 is a naturally occurring compund and not pollution”
well d’uh.
tell us more about carbon pablo.
or is that all you got?

5 06 2011
moar caek

it’s this or Andrew Bolt.

1. The chemical element of atomic number 6, a nonmetal that has two main forms (diamond and graphite), occurs in impure form in charcoal, soot, and coal, and is present in all organic compounds.

What is Carbon?
14 May 2011 … Carbon is a nonmetallic element which forms the basis of
most living organisms. The versatility of carbon makes it crucial for…&c
1. The chemical element of atomic number 6, a nonmetal that has two main forms (diamond and graphite), occurs in impure form in charcoal, soot, and coal, and is present in all organic compounds.

italics mine.
consider a “living organism” made of “organic compounds” such as a tree.
trees grow, thereby accreting mass (by a process of photosynthesis, ??? and scIenZ) made up of “organic compounds” some of which is carbon. (obviously)
so tree lives for 200 years = tree contains 200 years of carbon. if you cut it down and burn it over the weekend, you have just released much of that 200 years worth of carbon into the atmosphere
in a weekend.
If you don’t cut the tree down and burn it, it goes through The Graet Circle of Life (described at length by elton john elsewhere) and dies and rots and all the carbon goes into the earth and becomes Steak after cows eat grass made of Dead Tree Carbon. sometimes the dead tree carbon and most dead organisms. ( such as Wombats, Lettuce, Politicians and frogsetc ) which isn’t made into steak just lies there and eventually through more scIenZ becomes Manky Sludge which then becomes diamonds and coal and oil by a process of ???. This takes a Very Very Long Time. Such a long time that it is now called Hydrocarbons. (This is because Bastard Scientists make up bigger names for things so they look smarter than us and take more money from us thru TAXES WAkEup2TeHLIES!!! but that’s not important now.) Hydrocarbons are excellent for making Petrol so when you take your harley out on Sunday to tool into town and roll up and down Hindley Street like a tryhard Gangster Bike Hard Man, you may actually be releasing a hundred Very Very Long Times of carbon on a single sunday. If you imagine a place where everybody had been riding their Harley on sunday for over 200 years, it would be plain to see that there was way too much leftover trees, wombats and lawyers of carbon in the air.
Surely this is obvious?
I know you may counter with, “but it’s just such a tiny tiny bit of extra carbon, how could it ever matter?”
excellent question.
Don’t ask Questions, go find answers.
try this experiment at home.
1.go and get an olympic sized swimming pool and an eyedropper.
2.fill the pool with water until it’s just right.
3. take the eyedropper and start adding drops of water to the pool. Take extra care to add very very tiny drops of water.
4. keep going.
5. eventually, if you persist and do the experiment properly the pool WILL overflow.

cool huh?!
even though you only added tiny bits of water…
It Still Overflowed!!!

5 06 2011
moar caek


5 06 2011
moar caek

I did it again.
missed a

5 06 2011

There. Italics turned off, Chub. 😛

5 06 2011

Let me try again …

5 06 2011

Crap. That’s all you hear from the mouth of the Ranga In Chief, (you know, the bogan with a slogan). She has consistently called it ‘carbon pollution’. Don’t you bloody well watch the news or even read?. In fact every agw religious zealot refers to co2 emissions as ‘çarbon pollution’.
Oh, why are we governed by a bogan???. And why oh why did the left revert to bottom feeding boganism??.

5 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

Cause it’s what gets you elected these days.

Wanna know how rooted we are? When I heard that Whackjob Katter was starting his own party, I was actually interested enough to look at their website. While I can’t say I agree with all of their stuff, he does make some valid points.

5 06 2011

Trying to turn italics off…

3 06 2011
James Hunter

sad is it not?

3 06 2011

Yes. You’ve really got to look around to find the truth these days. Maybe back in the old days you could just watch Mike Willesee and Jana Wendt and be informed?

6 06 2011

I resent the notion that Liberals are all one and the same…Abbott stole the leadership ballot by having his cronies prevent a small-L have a proxy on the day. He is not and will never be a legitimate leader, especially while he continues to pander to the small-brained lowest common denominator using his boganese “great big tax”, “working families”, “hip pocket”, sprouting anything and everything to get his hands on the “top job”. He’s not a real anything, pushing this idea of a government-sponsored carbon scheme (what socialist rot), pushing upper-class and business welfare, while condemning the government for spending too much money (ignoring school halls and pink bats and green houses, which were obviously a waste of money). He doesn’t stand for anything but the latest poll, the latest spin, the latest anything. The big surge against live cattle exports has seen Tony Abbott support “humane” treatment of animals. And what does that mean precisely? It means what the person listening WANTS them to think, what are HIS standards of humane, he fails to define them, yet again, a 2-dimensional waif, short on anything but complaining.

The politicians with strong local support can be the backbenchers, the backbenchers that actually stand for something. Turnbull’s popularity is very strong in Wentworth. As is Bill Heffernan’s to certain people in rural NSW. Both politicians actually stand for something. Why did the ALP lose Melbourne in the last election? In part because of Tanner’s retirement. The art of being a real person who actually stands for something in politics is not lost on people. Eventually they cotton onto the pre-fab rubbish that is the current flavour of the month in Canberra.

I may not agree with Andrew Wilkie on everything, but he had good sense in why he rejected Abbott’s offer- why would Abbott offer such a huge pork barrel to him to side with him? It was too bigger pork barrel, and the thing is, Bogans are too dumb to know it.

5 06 2011
Peter Thornton

Oh, James Hunter, you’re stuck on that Foney Rabbit schtick.

5 06 2011
moar caek

didn’t you already get B& for this once?
coming in here for the sole purpose of hating on one individual just makes you look churlish.
to say the least.

5 06 2011
James Hunter

This site is a bit like the collection plate at church. Those that have a lot to give do and those with nothing nothing. So its a bit like a corruption if you like of Karl Marx. From each according to his ability and to each according to his need.
Most give little snippets of themselves which we all enjoy unfortunately there are always some in life who have nothing to give .
ultimately noxious dribble finds its own reward.

5 06 2011
Peter Thornton

Oh, James Hunter, your inane comments on any given subject resemble something like liberal party policies or the coalition’s federal council agenda : a mish-mash of inconsistent notions with no framework of philosophical binding and no articulation of a policy after a cogent introduction. Basically just numerous unconnected thoughts that made it through to your frontal lobes from the deep recesses of your booze’n’drug fuelled sub conscience. Oh, James Hunter, you do the good citizens of Dogpatch (Lower Maitland) proud!

5 06 2011

Oh Peter! 4fuxake!
Enough of proving you know big words & are able to sound as though you are worshipping at James’s feet!
I can picture you kneeling there…Oh James…Oh James
Give it a break

5 06 2011

Hey Viv … there’s a big sign at the front of the park … it says:

By order
Shire Clerk


There’s no use getting involved in an argument with the likes of Petey. Eating his Austrian Cabbage was bad enough! The only thing I’ve ever cooked which I’ve thrown out.

5 06 2011

Ahhhhh! Is THAT what a troll looks like?
I pictured them a more entertaining…. But Pete’s more like a human bot-fly
Thanks Urban 😀

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

You’re still scared from the Austrian Cabbage Incident…Come sit on Dr Pinky’s couch…

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

I personally laughed my arse off when The Wingnut used the Queensland floods as an example of the Climate Change Conspiracy. Then I died of embarrassment and shame…

5 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Hey Pinkster, where ya been?

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

Been working away at uni. 😀 So busy I don’t have time to scratch myself. Urban has been keeping me a breast of all things TBL :D. How are you??!!

5 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

I’m great thanks Pinky. Do you Uni with Urban (our playwrite)?

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

NAh, Urbaz is in QLD and I’m in Vic. I wish we went to uni together, then he could help me with my Stats!!!

6 06 2011

I help you with your stats assignments anyway, Pinky 🙂

5 06 2011
James Hunter

He make me so embarrased when ever he is sprouting of on TV I turn the volum to zero so as to avoid throwing up.

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

The Wingnut should just gaffa his mouth shut and be done with it.

3 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

I’m still confused about the backlash. I honestly would have thought that having a celebrity of any kind would convince the bogans that they have to support a carbon tax. Then again, a lot of them see Cate Blanchett as a bit too posh.

Next time, they should have Hugh Jackman with a couple of Zoo Weekly models. Bingo.

3 06 2011

That toad wanker off neighbours would have been better. Or Harold. “AH, we need to tax carbon thank you. “

3 06 2011

she speaks in full and grammatically correct sentences. therefore she must be up herself and will be dismissed by the bogan as not living in ‘the real world’.
that’s pretty much the reason they dismiss scientists too.

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

HAHA!! Indeed p’bee! The probably think she is using big words to confuse them.

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain


3 06 2011
moar caek

I thought the same.

3 06 2011

Cate is primarily a libtard darling. The bogan only watches her because the bogan begrudgingly acknowledges that she can actually act and because she was in Robin Hood with the bogan hero Russell Crowe.

3 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Hey Martin, who are Australia’s top 5 libtards? Does Germaine Greer make the list or is she simply bonkers?

3 06 2011

Good question!

I don’t know if I’d really call her Australian anymore. It’s a bit of a stretch imo. Like Mel Gibson or something.

Yeah I’ll put Cate at 1.

Actually it’s harder than I thought it would be, the days of feral libtardness seem to be behind us, it’s not like the Howard days.

Ok here goes.

1. Cate
2. The audience of Q&A
3. Clover Moore – Mayor of Sydney City.
4. Mike Carlton
5. The guy who hosts Media Watch.

But yeah anyway I think Germaine is off her head. I remember on Q&A she was saying how we shouldn’t have a defence force.

3 06 2011
James Hunter

There are a number of very strange people around who feel we do not need a defence force. They are ,I believe, the same group who believe we should welcome anyone who arrives on our shores with open arms.
They would also no doubt be the first people to complain if their street were taken over by people intent on turning it into a religious enclave of social misfits with (deity of choice) knows what comunicable diseases and connections to terrorists.
Absolutely the worst kind of NIMBY. Never studied history do not understand quarantine and diseases to humans, live stock and plants. Pity they do not all belong to the greens ,then we at least would know where they are.

3 06 2011

I normally drive sencibly, but when i see a greens sticker on a car i get right up their arse. I hate Labour and Liberal, but i really fcking hate the greens!

3 06 2011

I know James, immigration has become something of a weapon these days. Every group seems to want immigration, as long as it’s not their group that suffers from it. Labor types want it so they can keep on building unit blocks and sell them to immigrants and white collar types, the Liberals want it to have heaps of cheap labour but they want to send them out west so that their leafy suburbs aren’t affected, Libtards want it to warm up their bleeding hearts, and a lot of them just quietely for financial reasons, but they don’t want any more development in their trendy libtard areas like the Inner West of Sydney. THey also know the average immigrant doesn’t have the english skills to do the arts degree type courses so they won’t have to compete with them.

They’re all a bunch of hypocrites. Which is why I vote for the Stable Population Party. Everyone can get f$cked, other countries can do the world a favour and stop breeding like flies and if your job relies on Ponziness then you’ll be in trouble and suck shit.

3 06 2011
James Hunter

Population will destroy the world as we know it and the church of rome have a lot to answere for. The churches go out and convert people to a religion that forbids birth controll no matter how poor or starving they are. Just more mouths for the haves to feed ewvery year.
All foreign food aid other then in emergencies caused bu natural didasters should be conditional on effective population controll being in place and being adhered to.
Few years time and 200,000,000 hungry people migrating any way they can looking for food.
Then the greens and the bleeding hearts will have a change of mind. what there wre left of us will be back in caves.

3 06 2011

We need to tell the world that Australia is still under construction. So fckoff until it’s finished, unless your here to help.

3 06 2011
Diana the Huntress

Meanwhile, your average bogan family is popping out 3-4 moron children. But that’s ok, at least they’re not those *awful* brown people…

3 06 2011
James Hunter

mightn’t be awful brown ;just awful stupid

4 06 2011

I’m not rascist, brown people make the best workers, thats why we need some. But the country has a limit. We cant build dams or power stations, we cant build highrise apartments close to the city and we arnt allowed to spend money on roads. So were is everybody that wants to come to Australia going to live? The magical western suburbs of Melbourne and Sydney, where the land never runs out and the roads free of traffic?

5 06 2011
Peter Thornton

‘So were is everybody that wants to come to Australia going to live?’

Should they wish for ‘land-spread-out-so-far-and-wide’ they’ll be personally welcomed by James Hunter at Dogpatch, Lower Hunter Valley, Davo.

5 06 2011

Peter, do you not get out much?
You’re really not showing yourself in a good light by constantly targeting James.
You must have opinions worth hearing, so share them with all, & show us your good points as well….

5 06 2011
Ivana Boganista

You are a very ignorant person Davo.
You ARE racist, look up the meaning of it. You just contradicted yourself in your first sentence.

10 06 2011

I suppose it’s also racsist saying the i like brown people because they are funny to look at.

3 06 2011

Martin, do me a favour & run for PM?
Why is it the vast majority of people cannot see that if humans stop multiplying most of our global issues would be solved. Even just cutting the population by 5% would go a very long way to giving us, (& the planet!), time to repair the damage we have inflicted on it. The culling was once done via warfare, but the last 50 years has seen massive increases in populations worldwide.

5 06 2011
moar caek

it’s all this Make Love Not War garbage.
young people would all rather fU*k than fight these days. I for one am pro immigration. bring ion anyone from bloody anywhere and then we can all get our kids to go and chase all the dirty little monkeys out of Our street.
That’ll put some backbone in the youth.
That’s how we integrated the Irish and the English.
dirty fU*king pack of soap dodgers they were. but you wouldn’t know now would you?
No. because we told them they were chatty and to get the firewood out of the bath and have a go with an oval ball. didn’t we?
and that worked out allright.
so yes I’m for it.
all of it.

5 06 2011
Peter Thornton

Oh, James Hunter, streets full of social misfits? You’re obviously describing your beloved Dogpatch aka ‘vat place wot C’nalink sends me fornilee forms to’.

3 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Couldn’t fit in Kerry O’Brien?

3 06 2011

Well, he’s like a proper journalist isn’t he? He just reports the news and doesn’t make any little opinionated comments or try to weigh the tone of the story one way or the other.

I’ve never really watched the 7:30 report so I’m not entirely sure.

3 06 2011
chris - embedded correspondent in the dirty south

Don’t be hatin’ on Red Kezza, guys. At least he’s not whoring himself out to 10 like the rest of the ABC retirement village.

3 06 2011
moar caek

lemme clear this up.
WTF is George Negus doing at ten?

3 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

When I rule the world, Germaine Greer will be one of the first individuals to be publicly Beheaded By Glassing.

3 06 2011
moar caek

let her be Ash.
the world is a better place for all the Auld Grrl done.
she’s entitled to a good pasture and some howling at the moon.

3 06 2011
moar caek

Johnathon Holmes?
mate. the man’s a Journalist. you are dangerously close to the line on that one.
goodness me.

4 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

No love for Fiona Byrne?

3 06 2011

I’m afraid Germaine believed her own publicity, & now thinks she is the ONLY informed female on the planet….
You guys are disregarded as being inferior, since you apparently lost the ability to think with your head & didn’t fall at her feet when she was Australian 😛

3 06 2011
moar caek

plenty did.
she was no prude.
and a bit of the allright if I am reliably informed.

3 06 2011
moar caek

I think she copped a bit for casting off the corduroy.
she was of the keating school of rhetoric too, which I always admire. being able to say “fu#k off idiot” without actually saying it, whilst leaving everyone absolutely clear that is what you are saying.
agreed though VvvVV (the beloved just said “grumpy old woman” I was about to say Batshit.

4 06 2011

I think maybe I should forbear to post when I’m physically exhausted & mentally rooted! (medical terminology)
Germain has a formidable & fierce intellect that drives awe into most of us. That kind of intelligence breeds a confidence that is indeed very attractive, to men & women alike. She inspired, angered, taught & influenced so much of what we are today as a nation.
Unfortunately, with a mind like that, too often comes contempt for most others, (understandably!)
Perhaps having the media constantly hound you for your opinion on something you gave up as a lost cause years ago causes one to give an uncaring & acid reply?
Or maybe we dislike hearing the obvious….

I still admire her influence on our culture….I just wish she would stop & think occasionally.

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

@Simon GAA, CSOR I need a quick refresher course: libtard = Left yeah? Sorry been gone so long I can’t remember.

5 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Pinky, we missed you. They are basically left except they want utopia and fail to take into account that simple human failings make this impossible. Martin can probably give a better explanation though.

5 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Oh, someone else said libtards believe it is possible to pick up a turd by the clean end!

5 06 2011
James Hunter

they be the ones who also believe tyheir own shit does not stink

5 06 2011

It doesn’t James!
Little doves fly down & carry it away before it has time to smell at all…. 😛

3 06 2011

I need to launch my Climate Change Nihilism campaign. Sure, global warming is real. But I’m going to be dead before it does anything, so fuck paying extra or changing my lifestyle.

I’m not kidding.

3 06 2011
James Hunter

Hi ya Brim,
The world will run out of Fertilisers, N.P.K. and alloying metals for steel well before oil and water of the fresh kind. No more pacific and caribean islands full of bird shit to dig up for next to nothing. Phosphorus will be one of the serious ones.
Google “peak fertilisers ” and “Peak Metals” makes interesting reading.
refugees in their millions leaving barren ,dry land will be the end of us as we are.

3 06 2011

Will it happen after I’m dead? If so, I don’t care.

3 06 2011
moar caek

it’s been done.
go crazy nihilist and cut off your johnson.
go research this
you’ll love it.
get out of newtown. you’re in danger of pastiche

A fRieND

3 06 2011

She looks like a white lizard.

(There’s your next topic, Bogans don’t like white lizards. I’m presuming you haven’t got around to that yet, though I could be wrong. I see you’ve covered “Bogans use their local currency in their local country”, that was a rib tickler.)

3 06 2011
|{n0b J0©K3¥

…imagination more like it. hang on get someone to ready this reply to you to make it valid. only a stupid hypocritical bogon would agree and agreement must mean it it valid… light fu*king bulb…actually it means it is real…just like the flanno our ur back ur mate bought (not you… ur mate you intellectual celibate excuse for an impotent attempt at emotion ).

That is something bogans can teach.

3 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

The comments on the blog are very funny. One poor confused libtard thought the article was serious?!

And Rob Barrett wrote a lovely short story.

3 06 2011
moar caek

I gave up on it. had enough of climate trolls.

3 06 2011

Bec Hewitt maybe would have been a better sell.

3 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

Yes! Lleyton and Bec. You’ve got your shills right there. Those two will sell anything.

Hell, maybe get Delta involved as well.

See, this shows just how out of touch libtards are. If you wanna appeal to bogans, get bogan celebrities.

3 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Get Glen Mc Grath, he puts himself in No Idea every second week with his newest root.

3 06 2011

still the pink t and mourning lover look? but surely clark would be a better choice with his tatts and celebrity x-girlfriend who drops her clothes at the drop of a hat. after all he is the golden boy of CA and universally loved(maybe Simon Katich wont agree).

3 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

The bogan is strangely anti-Clarke, even though he embraces most of their touchstones. I think they are still annoyed he did not sell his Bingle story to the kracken.

3 06 2011

Clarke looks like an opportunist to me and doesn’t seem to have enough jingoism in him to satisfy the bogan.

3 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

I think it’s his Arabic tattoo. Bogans love Asian languages and some of the more trendy ones are getting Indian languages, but Arabic is too far right now.

3 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

Oh yeah, Michael Clarke is a kharnt.

My mum hates his guts. She’s quite funny when she goes to town on him.

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

Oh Simon, how I have missed you. {HUGS}

5 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Right back at ya Pinky!

5 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

I know Glenn McGrath personally (I did some work on his house a couple of years back when I was working construction to pay for uni) – he may be a bogan idol, but he’s a great bloke who’s surprisingly un-bogan.

5 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Yeh, he comes across well. I don’t understand why he keeps selling his soul to trash mags though. Surely can’t need the money that much.

5 06 2011

He doesn’t Simon…. Every bit of it goes to the breast cancer foundation in his wife’s name.
I get tired of seeing his face too, but it’s for a great cause.

7 06 2011
Bag O'Turnips

Again, I turn to TISM to justify and make sense of the world…

“Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath! Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath! Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath! Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath!

“My mate Roger got a girl pregnant when he was fourteen. He was so sh¡tscared he told me, and when he said that her dad was a cop, I thought he was joking. I told him he’s got to tell someone, and so he went and told a teacher, and the girl eventually got an abortion. He was fücking sh¡tting himself, let me tell ya, but six months later, he was fücking around like always.

“Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath! Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath! Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath! Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath! (How did we win? Eeeeeasy!)

“‘You betta watch it’, I thought to myself. But Roger was pretty fückin’ sure of himself. He was the guy who first brought a block of hash to a party. ‘Cause I was his friend, I was there, when he first showed it to people, we all went down the backyard and he rolled a joint. Where did he get it from? My parents would have killed me if they knew. I thought we’d all turn into junkies or something if we had too much.

“Ooohh, Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath! Ooohh, Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath!
Ooohh, Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath! Ooohh, Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath!

“The last time I saw Roger was last year at the Boxing Day Test. He’d turned into such a fat, normal, yobbo cünt. ‘The wife nearly didn’t let me out today’, he said, and he did all that chanting yobs do, like ‘Ooh, Ah, Glenn McGrath!’. ‘It got you in the end’, I thought to myself, as I looked at Roger. Life got you in the end, pal. You were such a cocky, successful winner when we were 16, but now you’re just another sad fat prick sitting in the MCG, high-fiving in self-congratulation, as if it’s YOU that had the skill and determination to play for Australia! It’s the cünts with the bad haircuts that you’ve got to watch out for! There’s never been a popular teenager yet who’s done rat’s with their life! Its the fückin’ dorks that give it a real go!

“Glenn McGrath got 5 for 50 that day.

“Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath! “Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath!
Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath! Ooh, ah, Glenn McGrath!”

(TISM, “The Parable Of Glenn McGrath’s Haircut”)

A TISM lyric that sums up both the then (in 1998) extraordinary rise of an otherwise originally unremarkable (and badly coiffed) cricketer through sheer persistence and effort, which seem to support Ash’s assertions on the less-than-bogan tendencies of Ooh-Ah.

To possess, cultivate and apply those levels of consistency and perseverance to eventually achieve elite success like McGrath did is the antithesis of bogan, of which his contemporary teammate Shane Warne was, insomuch that he had some freakish talent in one aspect, but not only did nothing to nurture that talent, but also acted in ways that would undermine those highly specialised skills, such as poor diet, being overweight and smoking (these are the very things one would expect a professional-level sportsperson not to do!).

If it weren’t for his Flipper making him King of the Spin, he’d be another Roger, who is a model character sketch of the popular school bogue who peaked early in high school.

3 06 2011

It’s posts like these that make me glad I don’t follow Australian news any more. The whole ‘debate’ seems to be a mess, and I shall try to remain as blissfully ignorant as possible.

3 06 2011
Your Local Dandy

TBL, your post on group buying websites better be out soon, or you risk becoming irrelevant. Confirmation that group buying websites are a bogan phenomenon:

“The internet craze has taken hold in Perth above any other Australian city, with about 350,000 residents – or one in five – signing up to two of the most popular sites … The membership rate in the country’s mining boom capital dwarfs even Sydney and Melbourne, which have far greater populations than Perth.”

3 06 2011
Bag O'Turnips

The old adage of “pay peanuts=get monkeys” somehow applies here…

3 06 2011

I stumbled on one of those sites yesterday. The deals looked pretty good. But I’d feel sorry for businesses having to f#ck around with that shit all the time.

For instance there was half price for a meal at a Russian restaurant. So then when you go you’re going to go when all the other cheap skates are going. I’d rather just pay full price some place else and have some peace and quiet.

3 06 2011
moar caek

consortium including billionaire James Packer.
what the Packers don’t know about squeezing bogans I can’t imagine.

3 06 2011

I did follow the link to MacroBusiness. Successful troll is successful.

3 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

Ash here, reporting from the Bucks Night to end all Bucks Nights.

We just got back from go-karting, where I won mostly because of physical advantages (I’m about 20 kilos lighter than the next smallest dude in the pack) and thus am spared from the ignonimy of Sober Driving regardless of how I go in poker. I fully expect to beat all tha boisz.

Anyone know any good bogan rehab places? I’m gonna be needing one after the fun of tonight.

3 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Try the inner west amoungst the libtards.

3 06 2011
moar caek


have fun.

4 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

I think I’m just gonna do Charlie Sheen bogan rehab in my flat.

TBL, Joe Satriani and Frederich Hayek combined should get it out of my system soon enough.

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

Find you local Hipster Cafe/bookstore/whatever else they do, and fully emerse yourself in that sub-culture for approximately 30mins to every bogan hour spent. This should counter act the boganity nicely.

5 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

A nice concept, but my hatred for hipsters is well documented. I’ll end up glassing someone within 15 minutes.

Anyway, it’s out of my system. I even went for a bike ride this morning to fully cleanse myself. And now to poison my newly cleansed soul again by watching Big Bang Theory DVDs.

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

I’d rather Hipsters than the Bogans. I have strong Hipster Tendencies with a very small dash of Bogan…I am Australian after all.

5 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

Just me. Hipsters annoy me more than bogans because they’re basically the same thing deep down, but hipsters try to hide it with pretension.

5 06 2011
James Hunter

So grand to have you back, I was thinking of you recently and now you appear. Spooky .!
I hope you are well and looking out on life from a good vantage point ?

There is a Hipster cafe in Hamilton called the “Coliseum” it is in the premises of and part of an antique shop. “rooly cool”

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain


It’s good to be back. Been flat out with this that and the other, but Urban has been keeping me up to date! LOL

The hipster’s are hilarious. Saw one in Ye Olde Melbourne Town the other week wearing specs with out glass…must be so they are ironic, or iconic, or catatonic, I am not sure, but good for a giggle none-the-less.

7 06 2011
Bag O'Turnips

Again, another regular saying “welcome back, P!nky!”.

I was worried that the black dog had been mauling you, but good to hear that you’ve been head down in the books…I wasn’t very “well” at all a few months ago, and though there was a struggle to get my footing back only until a few weeks ago, I have resolved a few employment issues that were causing me unnecessary stress (not the work itself—marvellous as usual, but more at the management level, all based on miscommunications and concomitant assumptions based on those, now totally clarified). Through it all, TBL (in addition to weekly jamming sessions) helped keep a tenuous grip on sanity.

Pleasing to see that you’re still on good form and haven’t drunk the cabbage water 🙂

3 06 2011
moar caek

$20! Go Nuts Workers! #auspol “I can afford to take up cigarettes!” Jayden B. salisbury SA
2 minutes ago via web
Favorite Reply Delete

my god. I’m hilarious. and topical too.
there’s yr economics in a nutshell.
Pigs need Peasants to both make and consume their shitty widgets. whatever they give they get back one way or another. the point of this is that my recent research seems to very strongly suggest that it is just the mouth breathing peasantry who might find tobacco packaging and the minimum wage on their “germane to my pointless existence” radar, who are most vocally protesting all this “ruining the planet guff” put about by “Sciantists” so-called who are on TEH CARBON GRAVYTRAIN #WAKEUP2THELIES
I’m sure it’s just because they feel like they’re mounting an argument with an intellectual they are one! spectacular idiocy hangs in a funky miasma all around this stuff. Fu#ktards like Andrew Bolt & Alan Jones …
blah blah
so sick of this.
It’s the same science which makes your telly work, idiot

3 06 2011
moar caek

I’ll go and read the post and the comments now

3 06 2011

Sensitive folk may wish to avert their eyes from tonight’s MA15-rated episode of …


(THE SCENE: The master bedroom on the upper storey of BOGUE and BOGUETTE’s McMansion. The lights are out, the only source of illumination being the Slime-like green glow from the alarm clock which says “10:45 PM”. BOGUE and BOGUETTE are snuggling up to each other under the covers on their massive $3,499 king-sized bed from Freedom Furniture.)

BOGUE: (nuzzles face into BOGUETTE’s neck) Hmmm … I loves ya so much, honeybunch. I loves ya sumfint bad!

BOGUETTE: (kisses BOGUE) Oh, I loves ya too, sweetie!

BOGUE: Yeah … I loves ya like crazy …. sorry I been a bit of a bastard lately an’ that. But yeah … I loves ya.

BOGUETTE: Oh darling, I know you do! I love you too … forever and ever …

(BOGUE hums the chorus from Every Breath You Take, which makes BOGUETTE giggle)

BOGUETTE: Honey …. satisfy me!

BOGUE: Sure thing … but … how about we try sumfint different tonight …

BOGUETTE: (giggles) Yeah, like what?

BOGUE: Well … how about … (puts mouth against BOGUETTE’s ear and whispers something inaudible)

BOGUETTE: What? You’re kidding me, right?

BOGUE: Why? What’s wrong wiv what I just said?

BOGUETTE: (springs apart from BOGUE’s embrace) That’s … that’s just … just GROSS! You … you disgustin’ pervert! Is this the bloke I married? That’s just sick!

BOGUE: Oh, but it’s all the rage. All me mates on the motorway construction site reckon their chicks do it fer them, so why won’t you do it fer me?

BOGUETTE: What? So are you sayin’ that youse blokes sit around on yer smoko discussin’ what yer wives and girlfriends do in bed? You discuss our sex lives an’ crap?

BOGUE: Umm .. no … no, we don’t! Promise! We don’t go into any detail and stuff … well, maybe just a little bit … but not like what you’re sayin’ and stuff …

BOGUETTE: (throws huge ultra-soft Tontine pillow at BOGUE) You’re a freak! Askin’ a lady like me to do sumfint sick like what you just asked me to do.

BOGUE: Carn darlin’, you know I’d never do nuffint to freak you out an’ shit … I Just thought that … well … maybe you’d like it too! You love me, don’tcha? If you loved me … well, you’d do anyfint to keep me satisfied in the sack …

BOGUETTE: What? Just because you’re a bloody sicko, what, you fought that I wanna be a sicko too? How … how dare you!

BOGUE: Urghgurughghkurrghnt! Who the fark you callin’ a sicko? You reckon that you love me, but you won’t do just one little new fing that we ain’t tried yet! You don’t love me at all, do ya? Garn, admit it!

BOGUETTE: It’s always the way, innit? “Oh, if you rooly trooly loved me you’d get me name tattooed on the back of yer neck!” “Oh, if you rooly trooly loved me you’d let me have a go at yer backside!” “Oh, if you rooly trooly loved me you’d get yer privates waxed!” And now … now THIS! What more do I hafta do to prove that I love you? Snot bloody fair!

BOGUE: Well, who’s the hoity-toity bitch now? When you married me, you promised to honour and obey me! And this is me honour we’re talkin’ about here! You obey me, unnerstand?

BOGUETTE: Well, what about me? What about all the times that I’ve had my own needs … But oh no, you can’t get it up because you drink half a bloody case of Jim Beam & Coke most nights of the week. But oh no, when you can finally get a rise you never let me get on top … do you know what it’s like to have a hundred and thirty kilos grunting away on top of ya, you fat greedy pig?

BOGUE: Urghgurhghkurgghnt! First that farkin’ principal at the Holy Redeemer of Sacred Light Biblical Christian College calls me fat, and now me own bloody missus has a go at me just ’cause I’m a bit heavy an’ stuff! If you don’t like me the way I am, you can go back to Shevonne’s and become a butch lezzo like her. You can go get farked! (gets out of bed and gets dressed)

BOGUETTE: Yeah, and where do you fink you’re going now?

BOGUE: Dunno. Away from your whining, you backstabbin’ bitch. Won’t even do one little favour fer the bloke you’re supposed to love. That’s it. I’m takin’ your car, I don’t care if I’ve lost me licence, going down to the leagues club to play the pokies. Maybe I might meet a broad down there who’ll keep to her marriage vows an’ shit and recognise me authority! (slams bedroom door shut, causing KAIDEN to go into yet another fit of moaning and thumb-sucking, leaving BOGUETTE there sobbing)


3 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Dude, what did bogue ask for? I won’t be able to sleep now.

3 06 2011
moar caek

i bet the first letter is 1 and the last letter is 4

3 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Nah Caek, she mentions #124 being prevously tried, this one is a whole new ball game. I’m intrigued.

3 06 2011
moar caek

I should read things before I comment on them.

3 06 2011

You’re correct, Simon. Remember the Today Tonight episode, where Boguette threatens to deny Bogue further access to her clacker if he didn’t come inside immediately to watch The X Factor with him? 🙂

And you will remain intrigued the rest of your life, Simon. What Bogue requested was so terrible, so horrific, so ghastly – that it could never possibly be revealed. Just like “the special stuff” on The League of Gentlemen.

3 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness


3 06 2011
moar caek


3 06 2011
moar caek

and NEW
Urggerhurgkughnt™ Lite!

3 06 2011
moar caek

it’s like seeing myself on telly.

4 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

It’s a Donkey punch isn’t it?

4 06 2011
moar caek

followed up with a hot carl and a Taxi!!!

4 06 2011

I’ll see your Donkey Punch and raise you a Dirty Sanchez.

5 06 2011
moar caek

did I mention starting off with a Rodeo!

5 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

You don’t ask if you can do a Rodeo, it’s just something you do in the heat of the moment.

7 06 2011
Bag O'Turnips

Maybe he wanted both a deposit AND a withdrawal using the ATM…and no, I don’t mean the Autobank type either.

Or maybe an Angry Pirate was the request. Or an Eddie McGuire Lunchtime Sandwich Special. Either are beyond kinky, they’re all humiliating (and potentially sickness-causing) perversions, of which the bogue doubtlessly feels that he’s entitled to ask for, especially if it gives him bragging rights in the crib as some gonzo porn legend.

[Ding! Eureka!] Maybe, just maybe, he asked if he could whip out the JVC Everio Full HD and post their (even just plain ol’ vanilla) sortie onto YouTube…now that would command lunchtime and pub bragging rights for the bogue, proof rendered on repeat play on his workmates iPhone 4s.

That’d give them somethink to talk about…until one of his colleagues comes ’round for drinks and ogles at his missus.

3 06 2011

C’mon Urban…. Your adoring public deserves a response…. 😛

3 06 2011

Some things are better left to the imagination, Viv … 😉

3 06 2011
moar caek

whatever it is, you know all his mates will know about it in the morning.
right fellas?

4 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

I thought the first B&B had them buying a king-size from Harvey Norman?

And while I have my theories as to what Bogue wanted from Boguette, I won’t share them. Suffice to suggest that I’ve watched enough pornography over the years to be able to make an educated guess.

4 06 2011

D’oh Ash, you’re right. Now the entire Bogue & Boguette Universe is going to disappear into a paradox vortex, because one episode contradicts another …

And that was the SECOND Bogue & Boguette Show … the first one, which also explains the origins of the whole shebang, can be found here … I think it was from before you started becoming a regular at TBL:

4 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

My apologies. I was unaware that it all started over a mere Brazilian.

When you wanna take a break from B&B, lemme know. I have a three-week story arc that I’d either wanna share with you or the rest of their devoted fans.

5 06 2011

I have next week’s episode all cued up (I’ve had it in my head for a few weeks but it took its final shape in my head late last week) … so not this Friday, Ash. But I’ll let you know if I run out of my creative juices and need some time out to rejuvenate later on.

4 06 2011

Thanks Urban….I missed it too. It’s going to be like reading a
prequel 😛

3 06 2011
moar caek

Is this what passes for quality journalism at Fairfax these days?
Julie | Paddington – June 03, 2011, 3:58PM

Read more:

good done TBL

4 06 2011

Boganomics is a weekly column available Friday’s at MacroBusiness (, Australia’s economic superblog. It is written by Michael Jayfox, E. Chas McSween, and Intravenus De Milo. By day they are mild-mannered Collins St economists, but they moonlight as crusaders against the gullibility of the modern Australian consumer.

Yup, I just knew that one of the TBL crew had to be an economist. I didn’t know it would be three! The penny dropped some time last year when one of the boys passionately defended free trade in Papua New Guinean bananas. Only an economist would do that. For everyone else, free trade is too counter-intuitive to be worth defending, even for someone like me who accepts that the academic arguments for free trade are sound.

4 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

Or you could just hate humanity enough that you don’t care how many little people get rooted in the process. Like my not very good self.

4 06 2011
moar caek

I alwAys thought they were a muso and max lavergne.
do we get some sort of prize if we guess?

the market is a sonofabitch, but it’s Our Sonofabitch.

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

You people are too smart… **Brain Shart**

5 06 2011

*waves at Pinky*

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

HEY MICK!!! How the F##k are ya?

6 06 2011

Fantastic, Pinky. Living the dream.

Great to see you back.

5 06 2011

PINKY!!!!!! You’re back! Thanks for dropping by … Please stay around, I’m starting to feel very lonely being the only libtard here 😉

5 06 2011
Pinky Has A Brain

Hey Urban,
I am back…will endeavor to make much more time for my old friends on TBL. Sorry for leaving you out in the cold! LOLz

6 06 2011

welcome back pinky!
and ur, i’m pretty much libtard with hipster tinges, so you’re not alone.

6 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

I’m a punk with metalhead, bogan and anarchist tendencies.

Honestly, had it not been for music I would have been a full-blown bogan. My big sister is well down the road of boguette (her law degree and MBA be damned) and my little sister is fast heading down that path also.

6 06 2011

Music’s good all around Ash….Especially metal!
I can’t paint without it, & sometimes I think it’s all that keeps me sane, (almost!)

6 06 2011

how did i miss this?! some hilarious comments there.

4 06 2011

This post itself was pretty funny, but nowhere nearly as hilarious as many of the comments this generated over on the Macrobusiness blog. I just wish I’d bought some tinfoil hat futures before TBL started their regular Boganomics column.

4 06 2011

We might be about to see a whole new bunch of defender-bogans coming in.

Seems to happen after an appearance in the media.

5 06 2011
James Hunter

Tonepyramids are a good bet too, you know? the ones you assemble in your living room and meditate within; conduct maxtreem business deals and watch porn.
Get the point ? or do you think it is all baseless?

4 06 2011

Did anybody listen to the discussion on bogans on Radio National yesterday morning? If you haven’t listened yet, you can do so here:

I listened to it online last night. Apparently, some academic in Melbourne is writing a book, The Bogan Delusion. The gist of the book seems to be that bogans do not exist and are merely a social construct that middle-class inner-city trendoids have devised so they can make themselves feel superior by slapping a label on “the other” whose traits they don’t approve of.

I dare the author to spend an hour in Penriff Plaza or Fountain Gate or Westfield North Lakes, possibly also taking the time to interview the patrons wolfing down Macca’s in the food court about their views on a whole range of political issues, and tell me that the bogan is just a bogeyman progressive inner-city hipsters have invented to scare their children into going to sleep.

4 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

I agree with the fact that “bogan” is a derogatory label thrown around mostly by inner city elites to demean those who do stuff that they don’t like.

Doesn’t make bogans right.

4 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Bogan is a derogatory and demeaning label, and they do exist. That we belittle and mock them is right and proper.

4 06 2011

Hear hear!!
If they didn’t want to be mocked, they shouldn’t be breathing!

4 06 2011
moar caek

or be Bogans.

4 06 2011
moar caek

the bogan backlash?
then what does he want to call all these facile, cookie cutter, post howard/hansonite cashed up xenophobic shoppers?
no doubt.

4 06 2011

It’s also something over which one has complete control. Indeed, I come from Bogan stock, yet it’s something I absolutely detest.

On my tombstone, it’ll say something along the lines of “Born a Bogan; Died a Wanker”.

4 06 2011
moar caek

ditto. a considerate, satisfied, fearless, cultured wanker.

4 06 2011
moar caek


5 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

If I was to have a tombstone, I’d want it to be shaped like a giant middle finger and to say “Yr All Carnts.”

But I’ll probably honor my heritage and get cremated.

5 06 2011
James Hunter

For a moment I thought you said “cemented”

5 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

I also like the idea of being cryogenically frozen.

7 06 2011
Peter Thornton

Oh, James Hunter, just as long as you don’t get resurrected!

5 06 2011
right and proud

You know who pushes all this Climate Change/ Overpopulation nonsense? Self-hating, hardcore Greeny scum. I’m all for a cleaner planet, but the way the whole Climate Change (sorry, why was it called Global Warming until temperatures in some areas started to drop?) hype reminds me of religious propaganda: People who disagree are regarded as heretics in bed with the Devil/ Big oil, people like Al Gore are treated like prophets who have come down from Mt Sinai/ Scientific labs with vested interests carrying the tablets/ reports telling us how we all must live or face eternal Hell/ a planet facing ultimate environmental catastrophe.

How can so many otherwise reasonable, well-educated people not see this? As for overpopulation, if everybody was a little less selfish and worried more about spending money on foreign aid and welfare instead of wasting BILLIONS of dollars trying to control the Earth’s climate, maybe we wouldn’t be getting told to worry about it by some of the nutters out there with their vested interests?

5 06 2011
James Hunter

Right and proud,
Sorry but it is people like you who are the problem.
the more free aid we give the more poor countries the more of them we will have to feed next year.
NO food aid to these countries unless they have a REAL population control program. NONE. Natural didasters different but not just because they are breeding and starving because the church of rome tells em to.

6 06 2011
Peter Thornton

Oh, James Hunter, while I agree with some of what you say about aiding and abetting foreigners, what do we do at the local level with scum who breed in the name of the Catholic church? Or, on a decidedly local level, how do we stop replicating the likes of you?

5 06 2011

I used to be a climate change skeptic, R&P … not now. No, I didn’t see a blinding light on the road to Damascus. It was more a gradual thing over the past three or so years.

I guess one of the things that convinced me was, that it reminds me exactly of the situation with tobacco in the 1950s, when scientists and doctors, people who had devoted their whole lives to researching the human body, raised the alarm about lung cancer. Back then, vested interests and their paid shills in the press and parliament came out with guns blazing, pouring scorn on those doctors and scientists who had the temerity to claim that smoking was hazardous to human health.

And now, half a century later, vested interests and their paid shills in the trashmedia kraken and parliament are doing the same thing to climate scientists and environmentalists who have the temerity to say that human activity is causing damage to our climate. The tactics have not changed at all in that time. Sow fear, doubt and uncertainty in the minds of the citizenry. And if that doesn’t work and you don’t have any facts to back your arguments, question the motives of your opponents. And if that doesn’t work, name calling will work just fine.

Then there’s the “precautionary principle”, which states that lack of a 100% scientific consensus should not be used as an excuse to avoid taking remedial action (not just on climate and environmental science, mind you; the precautionary principle applies to pretty much every field of human endeavour). It’s the balance of probabilities which matters. And the see-saw of academic opinion is well in favour of the notion that the human race is causing climate change.

BTW, I don’t support the carbon tax. You don’t reduce environmental harm by attacking the living standards of everyday people through taxing something for which demand is inelastic. Electricity is something we all need; I’m already frugal enough with my household energy use and increasing its price won’t change the fact that I still have to buy it.

I do, however, support subsidising the CSIRO more to research new cleaner technologies and tax breaks for new renewable energy projects.

I agree that some of the greenies approach the issue of climate change with a religious fervour and a black-and-white mentality that is unsettling. But that doesn’t make the more-or-less complete scientific consensus any less valid just because some fruit loops turn it into some battle between the forces of Light and Darkness.

Barry Jones explained it best with a modern version of Pascal’s Wager:

* If climate change is real and we do something about it, we win.
* If climate change is real and we don’t do something about it, we lose.
* If climate change isn’t real and we do something about it – well, we’ve done something to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels and made the atmosphere cleaner, so we still win.
* If climate change isn’t real and we don’t do something about it, it doesn’t matter.
* Therefore, do something about it and you won’t lose out.

I don’t expect you to agree with me. Just some food for thought.

6 06 2011
right and proud

But you don’t think that Green groups have vested interests as well? To suggest that scientists who collect data that disproves AGW theory as all being in the pocket of Big oil/ Big coal while data that proves AGW theory as being totally honest, is one of the biggest lies spun by the Greenies.

I used to believe in AGW myself, and how can you not when the media keeps presenting it as gospel and the new armageddon? I have been a skeptic ever since I looked into how AGW proponents have constantly moved the goal-posts over the years. Back in 1970, when global temperatures were cooling, they had us worried that carbon emissions were going to bring on a new ice age. Then after 1976, when global temperatures began warming, the same people had us all sold on Global Warming. Now, in 2011, where temperatures are warming in some parts and cooling in others, it’s been re-badged as ‘Climate Change’. Groups like the IPCC depend on this theory staying alive for them to make money, as do the Al Gores’ and Tim Flannery’s of the world and all the rich businesspeople who will make a fortune on emissions trading.

You have to wonder when even one of the founding fathers of Greenpeace says that AGW is a load of hypist bullshit.

6 06 2011

you haven’t looked into it very hard if you actually bought the 1970s ice age furphy. the actual facts around that particular line are that there were a handful of papers that suggested we were heading to another ice age. the scientific community very quickly debunked that, but the media liked a bit of hype so they ran with it. the scientific community, on the other hand, was already very much discussing global warming, and the world meteorological organisation was describing significant warming as probable.
and there really isn’t much money in scientific research – if you were after a get-rich-quick scheme, you wouldn’t decide to do anything to do with climate research.

5 06 2011

I agree with both James & UR. R&P, we have nothing to loose by doing all we can to safeguard the planet & our way of life.
Just think for a moment, doesn’t it make sense to live as cleanly & pollution free as possible? This world will certainly last longer! If humans keep multiplying at the rate we are, we won’t be the ones to pay the initial price….First will go the animals & forests to make room for us & our endless need for food. I don’t know if you’re an animal lover or not, but I don’t think that we, in our arrogance have the right to wipe out many other species simply because we have no use for them & don’t have the brains to help ourselves!
Then there is the question of the way we are killing ourselves with not carbon, but other fossil fuels, The residual gasses from unleaded fuel are far more lethal than lead!, but no one will consider a life without petrol. Herbicides to grow food faster also deform people & animals, water pollution etc.
We don’t get to turn the clock back if we get it wrong, so personally, I’d far rather err on the side of caution!
The carbon tax is bollocks…. what we need is to find a balance for all, not just pay lip service to it, so there are no more starving, & our resources will continue indefinitely because they are renewable….

5 06 2011
Ash - In Yr Glassin' Barns, Glassin' Yr Carnts

I’m opposed to the carbon tax because I fail to see how it actually incentivises major polluters to limit their pollution – if anything, it removes the potential social cost of doing so cause now they can “buy off” their pollution, those that can’t afford to do so have no reason to try cause they’re getting compo from the government anyway. Poor politics and poor policy all around.

What we need is significant investment in alternative energy sources, a nationwide solar power incentive scheme and further research into ethanol-based fuels that don’t significantly impact on food crops.

6 06 2011

Why are you nerds in italics? Has Edna been here again?

Or is it climate change? See skeptics, this wouldn’t have had happened if you had of listened to big Al Gore. Fossil fuels have ruined the interweb. Hope they don’t run out before I’m done with online porn.

6 06 2011

Since when did the bogans invade this site?

6 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

6/5/2011 @ 2.14 pm.

6 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness

Damn 6/6!

6 06 2011

Well, I first posted here in November, 2009. That makes it one year, seven months and four days.

Answer your question, self-appointed-italic-non-bogan?

6 06 2011

I would be happy to pay this “tax” if they would just be honest. No government can just come out and say they need more money. Instead, they create new and creative ways of sucking the money out of our pockets. Their latest crisis is “global warming”. A complete crock of shit, but much better than raising the GST or other taxes. Global warming is “our fault” and designed to appeal to our sense of guilt and shame. However, much their surprise, we’re not buying their bullshit this time around. Then they trot out Cate Blanchett who is one of the very few who can afford this ridiculous impost on our already incredibly expensive lives and you have a recipe for disaster.

6 06 2011

and who, prey tell, is this amorphous ‘they’?

6 06 2011
James Hunter

Come on, everyone knows who “they ” are. “They” are the ones responsible for any and all bad shit. !!!!!
Probably liberal caflicks but “they ” do come in a nuimber of disguises.

6 06 2011

I think I made myself quite clear really. Try reading comprehension, moron!

6 06 2011

except, of course, that the ad has nothing whatsoever to do with the government, but was put together by a private alliance of environmental groups.
and which government, anyway, given that climate change is a global thing – or is there some secret cabal of global governments cooking up schemes to impose taxes on australians?
and we’re the most economically stable country on earth and one of the richest countries on earth – if you find your life too expensive, you’re probably buying too much crap you don’t need.

6 06 2011
Simon - Glasser at Arms, Constant source of Randomness


#5723 – Conspiracy Theories!

8 06 2011
Benny Hill

I watched Hanna last night

9 06 2011

OK … here’s a real Facebook status update from someone I know:

Tomorrow’s temps for NSW. Sydney 14, Richmond 13, Lismore 19, Coffs Harbour 17, Newcastle 14, Armidale 9, Bowral 7, Bega 14, Orange 3, Katoomba 6, Tamworth 14, Dubbo 11, Young 7, Albury 9, Cooma 8, Canberra 8, Perisher Valley -2. So much for so called global warming.

*bangs forehead against computer desk*

I really think there’s a case to make a dedicated Statistics subject a compulsory part of the Year 10 School Certificate.

10 06 2011

i take it they’ve never heard of winter?

10 06 2011

I also take it that they’ve never heard of “standard deviations”, “statistical outliers” or “lines of best fit”. Or the fact that diurnal variation (i.e., the difference between one day’s temperatures and the next) is far greater than secular variation (i.e., the difference in average temperatures between years, decades, centuries, etc.).

But what should I know, P’Bee? I’m just an elitist inner-city snob who has consistently earned high distinctions for maths & statistics subjects at uni. Maybe I should get out into the rool world. Last time I drove out to the rool world though, I wasn’t terribly impressed. I think I’ll stay here in my cosy ivory tower.

10 06 2011

understand… they are trying to implement a tax here first because Australia is an “emporia market” for new global taxes. Basically it means we are the dumbest-shit people (Canada is next) on the planet, per capita. It WILL happen here, no question.

10 06 2011

there are carbon taxes in other countries. there are carbon trading schemes in other countries. we’re far from the first.

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